Unza Saleem


Unza Saleem, a South Asian artist based in London, UK, crafts poignant narratives through her paintings, which are deeply rooted in her personal memories, experiences, and emotions. Drawing from her rich Indian and Pakistani heritage, Unza incorporates traditional elements and symbols to weave relatable stories that resonate with her audience. Her profound understanding of Punjabi and Gujarati cultures informs her unique artistic expression.

Unza's work passionately advocates for the empowerment of South Asian women—individuals often marginalized for their opinions and aspirations. Through her art, she portrays these women as formidable yet alluring figures, challenging societal norms and highlighting their significant yet often overlooked presence. Her ultimate aim is to carve out a space where the voices of South Asian women, stifled by societal expectations, can be heard and celebrated.

Unza Saleem's artwork is a compelling exploration of the diaspora experience, particularly within the South Asian community. Her pieces often reflect the nuanced experiences of displacement, identity, and belonging, resonating with those who find themselves navigating multiple cultural identities.

This incorporation of diaspora themes not only enriches her portrayal of South Asian women but also connects with a broader audience grappling with similar issues of cultural hybridity and adaptation.


BA Degree, Fine Art painting Camberwell UAL, 2023


Featured in the Young creative Indian Space;

Featured on Camberwell Graduate Showcase;

Featured in the series 'Reveal your Roots ' by DominAsian magazine;



East meets West

This piece was a collaboration with fellow artist and friend Oscar Balfour, it signifies two cultures and two parts of the worlds coming together to create a balance of colours and patterns.

Story of the Senses 

This series depicts a timeline of events in my life when i lost someone dear to me. The three stages of grief.

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